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Can Dogs Eat Passion Fruit? (No! Here’s Why)

Passion fruit is a sweet, tropical fruit that is a tasty treat for us people, but can dogs eat it? We’ve got all the details for whether your pup can enjoy passionfruit with you!

Two Hawaiian dogs with passion fruit.

Can Dogs Eat Passion Fruit

In short, no, dogs cannot have passion fruit. While it is a super food for us humans, it poses risks for our canine friends. This is because part of it is toxic to dogs and it is very difficult to separate the toxic and non-toxic parts of the fruit.

Is Passion Fruit Poisonous to Dogs?

To understand if passion fruit is poisonous to dogs, we need to understand the parts of the passion fruit and how ripeness affects toxicity. It is made up of flesh, seeds, and the rind. Like with avocados, not every part is toxic so it is important to differentiate because some parts can be eaten by dogs if dropped on the floor.

Ripe Vs Unripe: The first part of whether passion fruit is poisonous to dogs is whether it is ripe or not. Unripe passion fruit is toxic to dogs, while the ripe flesh of the passion fruit is not.

Seeds: Passion fruit is made up of white flesh with small black seeds speckled throughout. These little seeds are toxic to dogs because they contain cyanide (like many other fruit seeds).

Flesh: The flesh is the only part of the passion fruit that is not toxic to dogs. But considering the fruit is practically littered with small black seeds, it is near impossible to remove all the seeds. So can dogs have passion fruit juice since that doesn’t have seeds? That should also be avoided because it is likely the flesh was blended with the seeds and could release some of the cyanide even after being strained.

Rind: The rind is also toxic to dogs, and while the rind is easier to avoid than the seeds, there is still a risk if some rind is stuck to the flesh.

Even though the flesh could be eaten by dogs, with even the risk of contact with the toxic parts of the passion fruit, it is best to avoid the fruit all together.

Passion fruits on a white background.

What If My Dog Ate Passion Fruit?

Because the most risk comes from the cyanide in the seeds, which are all over the fruit, it is highly likely your dog would eat some seeds. If your dog consumes all or part of a passion fruit, seek veterinary care immediately. Cyanide poisoning is a serious issue for dogs and should be addressed immediately.

Signs Of Poisoning

Be on the lookout for any of these signs if your dog eats passion fruit. The symptoms will appear quickly and death, with high doses of cyanide, can occur within 45 minutes. Symptoms include:

  • Droolings
  • Watery Eyes
  • Vomiting
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Red mucous that turns blue
Many passion fruits.

Final Thoughts

Parts of passion fruit are highly toxic to dogs and can lead to cyanide poisoning. So is passion fruit good for dogs? Not really. Does passion fruit contain vitamins and minerals that are good for dogs? Yes, but since the majority of the fruit is toxic, the risk is not worth it.

If your dog accidentally eats passion fruit, seek help from your vet immediately and keep an eye out for the symptoms listed above.

If you really want to treat your pup to a tropical experience, mango are a dog-safe option!

G cleaver

Saturday 2nd of September 2023

My dog has been eating passion fruit offour vine since it was a pup its now over 12 months old and ive just found out it is poisonous so i will removing the vine tommorrow

Sarah Bond

Saturday 9th of September 2023

I wish I could have that vine for myself! I love passion fruit! :D

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